Aim the fastest by operating the Paddle Shift !New driving a racing game!Aim the fastest by operating the Paddle Shift !New sense of driving a racing
Aim the fastest by operating the Paddle Shift !New driving a racing game!
Aim the fastest by operating the Paddle Shift !
New sense of driving a racing game appearance,
Paddle shift operation is important !
By operating the paddle shift of the left and right sides of the screen , you can control the vehicle speed on the up -down gear .
Handle operation is unnecessary, whether off-road course in the gear change!
The vehicle will run the course automatically.
Grasp the characteristics of the course, please change gears at the best timing.
It is over speed will spin the vehicle and time loss.
Course will change by day of the week
You can play the course determined by the day of the week from Monday to Saturday.
Sunday come out course different in every play.
This App used free image and sound materials from following web site.
Very thanks to following web site administrators.
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